Sometimes you've got to see it to believe it
We've selected the best examples so you can come see for yourself exactly where pictures from a modern data disk are described in ancient texts.
Topics include:
Akkadian and Egyptian god stories;
The City beneath the Sea, and the Rings of Atlantis;
Old Testament (Genesis Chpt 1 - Ezekiel - Daniel);
Qur'an (16:14, 16:79, 31:31, 42:32, 52:1, 18:83);
New Testament (Revelation - Mark).
This is NOT about Religious Dogma, Beliefs nor Faith*
To the original researcher, Ronald Pegg, all religious texts were treated the same as any other ancient chronicles. He found that within their stories are misrepresented reports of human time travel encounters that have been covered over by thousands of years of religious bias, mistranslation, and rhetoric.
* For some reason the most requested topics are the ones from the Bible, so 5 have been included (see video below).
Testing Pegg's claim
This is a 21st century investigation for people with open minds.
Ronald Pegg determined 8 main Findings which together produce the proof that time travel encounters back in the past have taken place.
The ATTSG Workshop allows you evaluate 2 of his Findings via the specific claim that
Anyone sitting in front of a computer, running the 1995 Ancients multimedia cd-rom, can compare the pictures on screen to descriptions from ancient accounts and sacred texts and observe that what the ancient person was describing, as written in their personal account, is what is also exactly in front of you now.
We have a copy of that cd-rom and an old computer upon which to run and view it, and have selected extracts from 10 of Pegg's 30 identified texts for you to examine.
Over 250 listed descriptions will be directly compared one-by-one to the sequences of images seen on the cd-rom. The purpose is for you to visually evaluate Pegg's claim relating to ten selected Case Studies - then come to your own conclusion based upon the presented evidence.